The story of a doctor and his guitar

Friday, March 31, 2006

Lamp Unto My Feet

Just thought you might be interested in hearing a sample of my newest song "Lamp unto my feet". Just click here to listen. Thank you KDZ for the wonderful organisation. You can read more about that night here. The song won best interpretation of the title, "Your word is a lamp unto my feet" - Psalm 119:105

The Core

It's been a very exciting adventure. Ever since "Blueprints" was released each day has offered new opportunities. I'd like to thank all of you helped to make the new single "The Core" a success. It has hit the Bay radio and X-fm charts hard, and I hope it speaks to your heart. The strongest verse for me has to be "From all that I've done make me all I'm meant to be". It's a cry that could change your life!


Today we had another rehearsal in preparation for World Youth Day '06. Just 8 days away now! You'd be suprised how thrilling the sessions can get. Everyone lets loose and plays with all they've got. I am very excited for the concert. I hope to see you all there. For details on the concert click here.